No matter which side of the fence you stand on when it comes to white hat/black hat link building strategies, there’s one thing you know for sure…
Links help build your online business.
But why are backlinks so important? And how can you get them quickly and safely?
Keep reading to find out all the answers:
Why Are Backlinks So Important?
Backlinks have been used as a ranking factor since 1998, and still today, they play a massive part in your site’s performance.
Luckily the ranking system has developed a lot since its original introduction.

At one point in time, you could spam links anywhere with little to no consequences. This meant you could drastically improve your rankings depending on how many links you had.
Thanks to Google, this strategy doesn’t work anymore, and if you try, you’ll be wasting your time and do more harm than good.
Now you need to think about the relevance of the referring website and its authority.
Backlinks are an essential part of a successful SEO campaign. You see, each link acts like a vote in your favor.

And the more links you have from quality, relevant sources, the higher you’ll rank.
They act as a kind of human endorsement to your site. If a user clicks through to your page from a website they trust, they automatically trust yours too. All of which is taken into account by Google.
What Are Link Building Services?
Link building is a tricky business; it takes a lot of time, effort, and money, which is why more people than ever are turning to link building services.
They take out all the hard work of building links so you can better spend your time elsewhere.
A link building service will build relevant links to help you gain more traffic.
But, here’s the thing:
You need to be super careful who you’re paying to build your links. There are far too many sharks on the web who are more than willing to take your money in return for low-quality links.
Which leads nicely to the next point.
How To Tell If Your Link Provider Is Trustworthy
Because there are so many people out there providing spammy and low-quality links, it’s like navigating a minefield.
It’s hard to know if the company you hire is going to do more harm than good. Luckily some telltale signs will help you identify the dodgy players in the industry.
Here are some of the things you need to stay well away from:
Link Building Services That Share Their Database
Some link building services like to share the list of sites you can buy links from. These sites really need to be avoided.
The problem is they put everyone at risk, as you can see in this video:
Check The Referring Website Quality
This step is super important if you are going to buy links from a provider. If the link quality is low, you may as well through your money away instead.
Before making a purchase with the link building service you should first ask these questions:
- Is the content unique?
- Do they mention the article is sponsored or a guest post?
- Does the link have any tags?
- Does the site have a “write for us” page?
By asking these questions and ensuring the answer to the first question is yes, and the other questions are a no… then you can filter out any poor link building services right away.
Cheap Link Providers
While it might sound like a great idea to buy a load of cheap links, in the long run, it really isn’t.
Here’s the thing:
You get what you pay for, which means scoring high-quality links at low prices is nearly impossible unless you get super lucky.
This is because there’s a lot of overheads that come with building links. You see, a real link building service will have a lot of costs, like:
- Quality control
- Writers
- Outreaching resource
- Publishing fees
- Management resource
All of this comes at a cost, which is why the average high-quality link can cost anywhere from $150 to $320 (niche dependant).
When you see it like this, it’s clear to see that services offering ‘high-quality’ links for $50 will be cutting every corner and you are more than likely buying links on PBNs.
Links From Sites That Have Little Traffic
If Google is sending traffic to a site, you can bet your house that they find the website to be trustworthy.
If Google isn’t sending it any organic traffic, there’s a pretty good chance they don’t trust the site, which means a link from a low traffic site isn’t going to be very beneficial to you.
Ideally, you are looking for links from sites with no less than 500 organic visitors every month.
Sites That Have A “Write For Us” Page
Some link builders will scrape Google for sites that have pages like “Write For Us” to maximize profits.
This is because most of the time, the link placements are free and take very little effort to get them posted.
This might make it more profitable for the link building service, but it also causes the client problems.
The thing is:
Websites that have a ‘write for us’ section are usually:
- Spammy
- Heavily farmed
- Automatically devalued
- Linking to dodgy sites
For this reason, it’s super important you stay away from any link building services that offer you links from sites like these.
It’s a very commonly used tactic, so beware.
You’re probably asking yourself what link building services you should go for. Which is understandable considering how many warnings we have discussed so far.
But fear not, here are three trustworthy link building services you can rely on:
- LinksThatRank
- Authority Builders
- Get Me Links
There’s plenty of other link building services out there, but these three seem to be the most legit on the market right now.
Rounding Up
Without building links, your website is unlikely to ever reach any great height. But with time, effort, and hard work, you can get yourself ranking on the first page.
Remember, each link pointing to your site acts like a vote of approval, and the more you have, the better. But here’s the catch…
They need to be high quality and relevant; if they’re not, your backlink profile could get penalized by Google.
Many people choose to build links for themselves, which is commendable but very time consuming and takes a lot of effort.
If you have more valuable areas to spend your time, then an excellent suggestion would be to check out some link building services.
But, take caution before you choose a service.
As mentioned earlier, there are too many people that are more than happy to take your money in return for poor quality links.
To avoid this mistake, check out this page; it details everything you need to know about finding a trustworthy link building service.