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Why you should quit blogging
I bet you’ve reread the title at least several times. Did I really just announce a blog post on why you should quit your blog? Yes. Yes, I did. Who am I to tell you to quit blogging? And before you tell me that I should be the one to quit my blog, let me tell you: no, I’m not. In this post, I will share five reasons why you should quit blogging.
Reason number 1: You can’t write
You think that you are a terrible writer. No one wants to read your blogs, and if you look at the blog posts you wrote a few months ago, you cringe. You have convinced yourself you absolutely cannot write. So put yourself (and all your readers, they’ll thank you) out of their misery. Just quit.
… you love to write. Unless it’s just your inner critic talking. In most cases, it’s just not true. And even if it’s true, how can you grow to be a great writer if you don’t try? We somehow have forgotten that to learn, we have to try. We have to fall and stand up again. No child ever just stopped trying to get up after it fell again and again. It just got back up to try again. The first baby steps couldn’t have been successful if the child thought it couldn’t do it after failing the first time. So grab your notebook or your laptop and get to it. Make mistakes. And then find a way to do it right and improve.
Yep. I fell for the title. I thought the author’s post was going to be a holier-than-thou outlook on blogging. I’ve seen plenty of other articles with similar scolding titles. Reasons why you SHOULDN’T build an Amazon affiliate website comes to mind. It’s as if they’re saying, you can’t do this so don’t even try. Of course, you’ll only be successful if you can stick through the rough times. You also have to accept failure but not give up if that makes sense.
I was happy that the tone of this article was more reflective of the author’s own personal experiences. It wasn’t as an authority figure putting others down for the audacity of having ambition. The truth is, you’re always going to encounter people who will give their honest opinion. It might not even be in a mean-spirited manner. What it should do is motivate you to be a better writer.
Reason #1 (Unless you love to write), makes perfect sense. So what if you don’t have a massive audience or even an audience at all. Maybe the only reader is a relative or loved one. It should still feel like a hobby and not a chore. As a web designer, I wasn’t ever interested in writing blog posts or content. However, I realized that it is necessary if you really want to take SEO to the next level. I actually treat Google as a reader. It shares my content by indexing it. People will discover my blogs through search queries. But If I quit and my site goes down, it was all for nothing.
I always have a habit of checking the website status of commenters and posters. Those who are looking for advice when it comes to their affiliate or marketing website. Usually, the comments are from 6-12 months ago. I try to only read “Fresh” columns. Do you know what I found? 99% of the comments that have a message such as: “Hey, this is great! I’m going to implement this strategy on my website”. At this point, I click on their website link out of curiosity. HTTP Error or DNS doesn’t resolve; they’ve given up.
It’s a little disheartening to be honest. If these people had just stuck it out, they might have had success. I’d say at least to give it a year. Google doesn’t like a quitter. People think just because they have great content that they will rank for keywords in a short amount of time. Unless you’re able to create something viral, you have to do the time. Keep writing, give it your best effort. Don’t let your own worst enemy by yourself.