Whether you’re a potential customer or a web designer and/or server administration looking for some tips on techniques or troubleshooting issues, our aim with this blog is to give back to the WordPress community with helpful information. We don’t claim to be experts in every aspect of web design and security. However, just from observing the overall atmosphere of WordPress sites we believe we can offer useful tips and information. Such as improving efficiency and security as well as offering advice when problems arise.
Getting answers to common & complex problems
We’re sure every admin has experienced issues with plugins, jquery conflicts, PHP errors and so forth. Google is a great resource to find answers to these problems. Sometimes, it can be tricky finding those answers buried deep within the search results. In our efforts to give back to the community, we’ll dig into good techniques and practices as it pertains to securing your site. We will also post reviews on various plugins and services that can have a great impact on your site.
It doesn’t matter if you are a novice or advanced user of the WordPress platform as the topics in this blog will cover the entire spectrum. We also plan on including some Cpanel and Web Hosting Manager tidbits from time to time too. Before we had our own server and much fewer clients we operated on a more cost-effective shared server. As our needs for resources grew we realized just how involved it can be to effectively manage websites. Also, how do you balance efficiency with compatibility? What version of PHP should you choose? How can I monitor my websites for downtime? Questions like these have no right or wrong answer as everyone has different circumstances to consider. But what we can do is give you some valuable information regarding choices and the success (or failures) we have had from some of those decisions.